- Sign in to Skype.
- In the Contacts tab, click the down arrow next to All and select Facebook.
- Click Connect to Facebook.
- A Facebook log-in page opens in Skype Home. If you’re not a registered Facebook user, clickSign up for Facebook.
- Enter your Facebook log-in details and click Log In to connect your account to Facebook.

Viewing the Facebook News Feed
To update your status and post it on your Facebook account, enter your status in the text box and click Share.

The News Feed shows the most recent updates posted by your Facebook friends, including places they have checked in to, pictures, videos and comments.

You can comment on or like the updates of your friends. Anything you do in the Facebook tab in Skype will also be shown on your Facebook account.
To like an update, click the Like button
beneath it. The Like and Comment buttons turn from gray to blue if you hover your mouse over an update.

If there is a number next to the button, it indicates how many people like the update. When you have liked the update, the Like button will change color from gray to red. Click the button again if you no longer wish to like the update.
To leave a comment, click the Comment button
beneath the update and a comment box will expand, showing the most recent comments the update has received. Type your message in the comment box and click Comment. Your message will be displayed as the most recent one. Just click Delete if you want to remove it.

The News Feed will automatically refresh your updates every time you open or reopen theFacebook tab. It will also check for new updates every minute, showing a count next to the refresh button so you know how many new updates you have. To refresh the updates yourself, click the refresh button
or press F5 on your keyboard.