Home » , » Piwik Event Tracking | An Advanced Guide

In past years, Google has introduced too many features in Google analytic (ga). Google analytics' Event tracking function is available for long time. You can get full developer document for ga event tracking guide from their offcial site also from other developer blogs. Eg Justin Cutroni (Google analytic advocate), Lunametrics and etc.

Piwik introduced its Event tracking function from v2.0. But Now v2.4 available. But still no deep event tracking document available. So I'm going to post about it. From this post you can learn about basic Piwik analytic (_pa) 's event tracking. I explain this with two simple examples.  Official basic guide available here.
In further post, I'll explain about Tracking Events with HTTP API, and event report.

If you wish to use Piwik in your site free, Please submit your request here. Use comment box for technical helps. Here, my old Analytic posts are available.

Event Tracking

Viewing Events Reports

Go to Piwik. In the menu click Actions and then Events.

Tracking Events with JavaScript

Now let's see Piwik Event tracking in  a useful action.

Client Side JavaScript Error Tracking with Piwik Event

Add above script before </body> tag, after few moments, you can see a report like above example in your piwik report.
Now you learn how to use Piwik in efficient way. You can use pa event in various purpose.

Convert ga Event Tracking to Piwik

On internet, you can get thousand of Google analytic event tracking plugins for ga.js and universal.js analytics. You can easily convert them to Piwik.

Here default action:

In next my  blog  update, we'll go more deep.